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Fauré's Requiem by Laurens Collegium Rotterdam

The Rotterdam Laurens Collegium, led by Wiecher Mandemaker, will present a program around Faur���'s Requiem in Amsterdam's Westerkerk on Wednesday, July 3. Organist Hayo Boerema accompanies the Laurens Collegium on the famous Duyschot organ.

Fauré's Requiem by Laurens Collegium Rotterdam

Wed 3 Jul20:00 - 21:15
Westerkerk Amsterdam
Prinsengracht 281
1016 GW Amsterdam
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Laurens Collegium

The Laurens Collegium , part of Laurens Vocaal, is Rotterdam's professional choir and is known for its versatile, energetic, high-level performances. “The choir sang virtuoso and with dedication, and was literally audible.” (NRC) The chamber choir is led by Wiecher Mandemaker.

The Laurens Collegium sings to make society shine. That is why it released various recordings that mark important events and periods in the city and country, such as the House of Representatives elections, the Passion Time and the commemoration on May 4. The choir also focuses on other appealing themes, such as nature. For example, the choir released the CD/DVD box set Die Schöpfung. It also presented a bird concert in 2018 in collaboration with Natuurmonumenten, which was followed up in the International Choir Bienale in 2019.

The Laurens Collegium would like to be further inspired by collaborating with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century and the Residentie Orchestra. The choir looks back on successful projects led by conductors such as Frans Brüggen, Jaap van Zweden and Marcus Creed.

The choir enjoys working with Laurens organist Hayo Boerema in the Laurenskerk. It is also a welcome guest in the Doelen and on other Dutch stages, such as the Concertgebouw, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, the Dr Anton Philipszaal, Vredenburg, De Vereeniging and Musis Sacrum.

Westerkerk Amsterdam

Wednesday, July 3, 8:00 PM

Tickets: ���12.50

Fauré's Requiem by Laurens Collegium Rotterdam

Wed 3 Jul20:00 - 21:15
Westerkerk Amsterdam
Prinsengracht 281
1016 GW Amsterdam
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