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50 jaar Blijf van m’n Lijf

Blijf van m’n Lijf is the largest organization in the fight against domestic violence in the Netherlands. In order to give a face to the important work of Jouw Groep, Jouw Groep is organizing the free exhibition '50 years ofBlijf van m’n Lijf (Stay from my Body') from September 5 to the end of September.

Free entrance

50 jaar Blijf van m’n Lijf

Thu 5 Sep09:00 - 17:00
Fri 6 Sep09:00 - 17:00
Sat 7 Sep09:00 - 17:00
More dates
De Hallen Amsterdam
Hannie Dankbaarpassage 33
1053 RT Amsterdam

50 years of Blijf van m’n Lijf (staying away from my body)

This year, Jouw Groep celebrates its 50th anniversary. Stay Group is the largest organization in the fight against domestic violence in the Netherlands. Since the establishment of the first Stay Van My Body houses in 1974, a lot has changed in the way we think about and work together to break violence. To give 'a face' to the victims of domestic violence in the city of Amsterdam and the important work of Jouw Groep, Jouw Groep is organizing the free exhibition '50 years of Stay from my Body - Half a Day' from September 5 to the end of September. century of activism, safety and empowerment' and the photo exhibition '(Un)exposed' in the Hallen in Amsterdam.

As a visitor you will discover how aid has evolved over time and how social developments such as migration, digitalization and political shifts influenced this. Stay Group was the first women's shelter organization in the Netherlands that dared to let go of secrecy, based on the belief that domestic violence should not be hidden and shame and taboo should disappear. This is how the Orange Houses came into being.

The exhibition outlines the journey that Jouw Groep has taken as an aid organization using information pillars, photos and other archive material. A picture is painted of 50 years of struggle for a future in which safety and equality are self-evident for everyone. Because violence must stop, forever.

When developing the exhibition, the makers of the exhibition and photo exhibition took into account that the exhibition is interesting and educational for the entire family. This topic is important to discuss for every age. The exhibition and photo exhibition are part of the anniversary year of the Jouw Group. The opening of the anniversary year was on May 8, when Queen Máxima visited the Oranje Huis Flevoland Gooi en Vechtstreek of Nooit Groep, with which she also marked the 50th anniversary of the women's shelter in the Netherlands.

Stay Group's mission is to stop domestic violence forever. If you want to know how you can contribute to the mission of the Stay Group, look here.


When: September 5 to the end of September

Location: Public Hall of De Hallen, Amsterdam

Cost: Free

Dates and times

Thursday 5 September09:00 - 17:00
Friday 6 September09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 7 September09:00 - 17:00
Free entrance

50 jaar Blijf van m’n Lijf

Thu 5 Sep09:00 - 17:00
Fri 6 Sep09:00 - 17:00
Sat 7 Sep09:00 - 17:00
More dates
De Hallen Amsterdam
Hannie Dankbaarpassage 33
1053 RT Amsterdam