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Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ

Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ is an internationally renowned, open and welcoming music venue in Amsterdam that excels in concerts of contemporary music and the related genres of classical, jazz, electronic music and global.

Inspiring, innovative and international

More than 300 concerts take place every year in the building, which is beautifully located along the IJ river in the center of Amsterdam. The emphasis in the programming is on music from the Renaissance and Baroque to the newest music of our time, jazz, global, electronic, and much more. Every season, there are 25 to 30 Dutch and world premieres taking place at the hall. Muziekgebouw thus occupies a unique position nationally and internationally.

Unprecedented acoustics

The Grote Zaal (Main Hall, 725 seats) has unprecedented, good acoustics: clear, warm, and exceptionally transparent. The ceiling is movable, allowing acoustic properties such as reverberation time to be optimally adjusted for each concert. The hall is also considered one of the quietest in the world; music is therefore played under almost ideal conditions.

More than just music

But world-class music in the Grote Zaal is not the only reason to visit the Muziekgebouw, with for example the youth programming or the SoundLAB workshops for anyone with a unique collection of up to 100 bizarre, super interesting musical instruments. Exhibitions are organized throughout the year with work by internationally renowned visual artists. And after a guided tour, it is wonderful to relax in 4'33 grand café, the café-restaurant of the Muziekgebouw which offers visitors the chance to enjoy a wide range of food and drinks and offers a unique view of the IJ. The Terrace Concerts with drinks or dinner at the water are a highlight of the summer every year.

How to visit the Muziekgebouw with your City Card

It is not necessary to reserve a time slot to visit this location with your City Card. You can reserve a time slot on site during your visit. Make sure your City Card is valid at the time of your visit.